Convince Me I Care

A podcast that explores the absurdities of the modern world through a series of generation-gap rhetorical dares.

Ever wonder why, exactly, the Kids are up to that thing these days? Or what the hell the Olds were thinking when they created the world they’ve left us all to inherit? Convince Me I Care aims to explain the inexplicable by forcing our arbitrary representatives of each generation to account for themselves and their contemporaries. Each episode, we’ll dive into some strange facet of generational culture and try to convince each other that it does, in fact, matter.

Join us as we attempt to parse through the fads, foibles, fears, and fandoms of the recent past.

Subscribe on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you prefer to listen! Check out our Patreon for bonus content and shameless flattery, and check out the episode list if you’re looking for more information about the sources we used, recommended further reading, and other assorted nonsense.